Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Truth About Corporate Social Responsibility

Hi Folks,

I have always been intrigued by the sudden love of India Inc towards Corporate Social Responsibility! (CSR).

I had believed that CSR was more of a Social Volunteering by Corporates; a result of their moral guilt born out of their insatiable lust for Natural Resources and their inability to give back in quality and quantity what they have exploited.

CSR has today become a a very powerful diversionary tool which shifts the focus from problems caused by coroporate mismanagement (of the environment) to so called pressing social issues!

While most CSR Reports from Business Houses mention of the good things they have done, almost none of them cite the harm they have done to the people and environment around them! The Social Economic Costs of Industrialisation is something that most Corporates and the Government have willfully ignored.

I found one such voice in a leading portal
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Check out the link to download the Critical Reflection on CSR

Download Here!


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